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SPEN Downloadable Documents


Distribution Flexibility Services Procurement Reports:  2023_04_27_SPEN Procurement Report Issued.pdf 

                                                                                                                        C31E Report Template (Ofgem) April 2023 (SPEN) v3.xlsx  

Document linkDocument Description 
Guide to API Setup and UAT Testing V2_final (1).pdfGuide to API set-up UAT Testing A guide on how to build and test the Application Programme Interface and how to carry out necessary testing with the User Acceptance Testing environment
Participant Portal Guide v1 (March 2021).pdfParticipant Portal Guide A guide on how to use the participant portal including: access, declarations of availability and viewing statements 
Payment Mechanics V1 (1).pdfPayment Mechanics A presentation explaining how the payment mechanisms work
Billing Guide V1 (1).pdfBilling Guide & Payment Set Up Form An overview of the monthly billing cycle and the form to send us your payment details 
Baseline Methodology V1 (2).pdfBaseline Methodology A presentation on the Baseline Methodology that applies 
Dispatch Principles 2022.pdfDispatch Principles An explanation of how we dispatch when availability exceeds requirements